ONJ 75

On 26 September, Dame Olivia Newton-John would be celebrating her 75th birthday. Celebrating birthdays, family, friendships and Christmases were important to Dame Olivia. She'll always sends me e-Christmas greetings with…

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Shepard Fairey

I recently had the honour of meeting my visual artist hero, Shepard Fairey. Known for his iconic graphic visuals, Shepard is also the found of the Obey clothing empire. Shepard's…

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The Reason is the reason why I love Hoobastank! But the real reason why I adore Hoobastank is Hoobastank. Every time they hit town, we hang out, like brothers. This…

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This Blog is my tribute on Boots. I love my trusty, durable and cool Boots. I hereby give mention to four of my favourite boots brands and share some accompanying…

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