Simpatico is the Fertile Foundation from which Friendship blooms.
The $1 million dollar question always asked of me is how do I get to be Buddies with Rock Stars? One word : Simpatico.
Rock stars can sniff out a fake or someone who wants to take advantage of them a mile, or two, away.
My take is just be yourself and if they like you, they like you. If they don’t, it’s their loss.
But NEVER be someone you’re NOT.
Show off your Essentials. Display your integrity, dignity and respect. Love is optional.
As for my simpatico rock star buddies, every time they are in town, we resume simpatico vibes like it was last week.
In Spanish and Italian, it simply means Sympathetic.
It’s Never About you.
I always remind my friends of the good old Simpatico mantra, “Kindness Begets Kindness!”
These days I have lunch and dinners with old friends from my past, new creative friends in the now; as well as get emails and packages (gifts) from friends from distant lands.
My friends all differ in temperament, family structure, career resumes, fashion deliberations, dietary preferences, music preferences, etc.
Kindness, Fun and Mutual Respect are the Essential Condiments to a Happy and Digestible Meal.
There’s nothing like breaking bread with fun, light-hearted life-journey Friends and sharing Kumbaya moments! There’s too many to name. You know who you are.
Simpatico is the Fertile Foundation from which Friendship blooms.

This week, a Simpatico surprise arrived at my home (above image). A pleasant Aloha surprise, from my Hawaiian “brother” Brian Ching from Honolulu, arrived in the form of a hang-loose Hard Rock Cafe, Honolulu T-shirt. Thanks, Brian! I’ve known Brian since the 1980’s, he embodies the Aloha-giving spirit. Wow! 45 years of friendship!
I tell my kids, “we all need Brian Chings in our lives.” We’ll be so lucky! We must be wise to realise that such high-grade friendship must be earned, not to be taken for granted.
My late mom said that if we can count our reliable friends who will be there for us in a moment’s notice on one hand, we are considered lucky.
Some friendships are like old faithful Books which have happy long lasting memories, moments, and valuable lessons to learn from.
Some friendships are like Magazines, good for that moment (day, week or month) in time. Then things move on as new issues arise. Pun intended.
Friendship is like Blood, you must always keep it fresh and jolly.

When I first met legendary rock photographer Rowland Scherman (above image), I knew we’ll enjoy crazy kinship for life.
Once he drove from Boston to New York City to attend my solo rock photography exhibition. He’s always been supportive of my photographic work. Rowland’s photographed the likes of John and Robert Kennedy, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King Jr, , Beatles etc. Go check out this great photographer’s work. See you soon, Rowland!

May Pang (of John Lennon’s The Lost Weekend fame as well as a renown and respected photographer) and I always managed to share great fun meals and drinks at bars every time I’m in New York City (above image). Every single time! I appreciate that she gives me her valuable time, a mark of true friendship. Time is way more valuable than money.
Whenever I get into (solvable) disagreements with my friends, I’ll say “Happy Happy!” and we move onto more amiable and appetising topics.
May you meet the Brian Chings in your Sweet Lives!