This is a Blog about Finding the Essence of Oneself. And when you have found your Creative Pot of Gold, you are a Powerful Force.
When in doubt, go within yourself for your answer. Do not listen to others, they are NOT YOU.
Only you know what must be best needed to do. Get away from the noise.
Insight is the power to see what is not evident to the average mind.
Insight is realising the GEM that lies within YOU and what you can bring to the waiting world and the courageous act of bringing it to the appreciative world. Go find your Tribe.
I always say – “Lions do not bother about the opinions of hyenas” as well as “Do not listen to back-seat drivers especially those who do not have driving licenses.”
To me, the profound mission of an Artist is simply to constantly release the creativity within Oneself into the unsuspecting world regardless of what the flavour of the moment was.
That’s why every new album by a Grade A band or artiste is never the same as their previous one.
Tori Amos, a creative deep-welled composer and piano prodigy that I admire, composes what’s within her. Never about what her record label needs to sell or what her fans desire. Like Neil Young and Bob Dylan, this is me, Take it or Leave it.
David Bowie gained global fame and respect for always changing his music direction, self-image and fashion trends. He followed his cocksure inner muse (voice).
It helps when you are fortunate to have the luck, the opportunity and the mean$ to acquire/build your own Creative Corner or Mancave, or Destiny HQ.
Jimi Hendrix was such a prolific composer and musician, he thought that it was good idea to have his own recording studio (musical mancave) to save on expensive studio charges. So he acquired a defunct music nightclub, converted it into his own recording studio – Electric Lady Studios.
Jimi Hendrix also envisioned his Electric Lady Studios to be a hangout place for like-minded creative musicians to jam and compose songs.
Unfortunately Hendrix spent only ten weeks in his beloved music mancave before he passed on.
The fate of Electric Lady Studios, however, ends on a very positive musical note. The studio has been used by leading bands to recording their iconic albums. The likes of Led Zeppelin, John Lennon, Rolling Stones, Stevie Wonder, AC/DC, Blondie, The Clash, Patti Smith, Chic, Lou Reed, Kiss, the Cars, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Billy Idols and Santana, all recorded at Electric Lady Studios.

Me in front of Electric Lady Studios (above image). Photo by Chris Stein of Blondie. You can see him in the window reflection.
For a rock photographer like me, I only shoot where I’m welcome. As I told my young photographer friends, I don’t bark at every passing car. The less you shoot, the more you get to shoot.
Quality not quantity.
As mentioned in my “Inspiration” blog, at this “stage” (music pun) in my Journey, it’s not about me any more.
These days, I’m happily mentoring young photographers, artists and aspiring entrepreneurs in reaching their own Summits.

Inside the creative confines of my former invite-only studio, gallery and hang-out hermitage (above image). Do read my “Hermitage” blog.
My mancave was meant to have like-minded creative types drop by and hang out. Enjoying fellowship in loud music, art and photography, fun and positivity.

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computers, hung out in my mancave studio (above image). Photo by Janet Wozniak.
I intended for my former (sold at nice profit after 8 years) creative space in a non-descript industrial building to be like my living room.
In the quiet confines of creativity, I marinate (edit) my b/w images. The fun hours go by quickly.
As with encountering a stormy weather, or amidst a noisy, chaotic environment, go indoors.
Go inwards because your Quiet Time is your soul food for acquainting you with your powers, creativity and destiny.
Happy Trails!