“Well Wishes Are Never Too Early. But It Must Never Be Too Late”, I once warned a friend.
Life is too short, start with the Desserts. Cheers!
Today, 3 December 2024, I gifted my former scout and disciplinary master Victor Wee a Teacher’s Day mug (above image). Today is not officially Teacher’s Day. To me, it’s a special teacher’s day.
I saw the appropriate “Teacher’s Favourite Drink” mug last week for sale so I ordered it. Today, it’s in the safe hands of the gift recipient. Chop chop!
To me, any day is a great day to give a gift. Especially if it’s an unexpected one.
After our lunch today, Victor Wee sent me an appreciative image of the little gifts I gave him over the years (above image). I also gave a similar mug to his retired teacher wife.
I once gave the late great national treasure, war heroine and teacher Elizabeth Choy, a Teacher’s Day card a week before the actual date,
I figured she’ll have seven extra days to enjoy her gift.
I guess Elizabeth Choy and her family really treasured my Teacher’s Day card to her. It was highlighted as a title of her personal collection in the National Archives of Singapore (above image).
Life is too short and especially unpredictable. I always like to be ahead of the curve rather than behind it.
When you think of something you need to do, Get It Done!
Life’s regrets are filled more with the important things you didn’t get to do rather than the things you did wrongly.
Text your friend your appreciation, tell your loved ones (parents, spouses, children, good friends) you love them. Go on, give them a Hug.
Always Under-Promise, and Over-Deliver.
Last weekend, I had the honour of hanging out with Star Wars‘ beloved characters Chewbacca (Alfred Lim), 501st Scout Troopers (Ray Tay and Jian Ping) and even a Narkina Prisoner (Leonard Chia) at a delightful 3-day Vintage Toy Show, organised by Donovan Goh.
Chewy, seen here with his favourite movie soundtrack vinyl album (above image).
As the year draws to a close, here’s my fun year-end well wishing e-greeting for you readers (above image).
Stay Safe, Keep Warm (be hugged by a Wookiee), Be Blessed and Bless Others Around You!