What a Delightful and Colourful Trip This Has Been! A Tribute to John Sebastian, the Tie-Dye King for the courage he showed at Woodstock.
Over the years, I have a weakness for acquiring all things tie-dye, as you can see from my acquisitions and collection below.

First, here’s my Tribute to John Sebastian – the King of Tie-Dye.
John Sebastian of The Lovin’ Spoonful band fame happened to be at Woodstock, happily enjoying his time there as a spectator.
When the music festival de-facto lighting coordinator and emcee Chip Monck asked John to fill some lull concert time by singing a few songs, he at first refused but at Chip’s insistence and persistence, John relented. John then borrowed the late legend Tim Hardin’s (Reason To Believe fame) guitar, strolled out to the front of stage and inevitably created Woodstock history.
The above pix shows John in his tie-dye brilliance, mesmerised the 600,000 (rumoured) Woodstock crowd with his spontaneous songs. He sang five songs in total, until the next band was finally ready to perform.
Well played, Sir John!
Years later, I got to hang out with my tie-dye guru at an invite-only event in New York City (above image).

I always had a weakness for spontaneous splashes of bright rainbow colours. Especially blue, red and orange hues. Bring it on!
To me Tie-Dye equates with Happy! When I wear my tie-dye garbs, my friends knows not to share negative vibes or gossips with me. Perhaps those who did, are not longer my friends. Quality not quantity. Less is more.

I love my happy retyree colourful hippie bucket hats and other happy hippie stuff.
Note: my Leon Russell pin!
Long Live Leon, Master of Space and Time!