The Moon is literally Earth’s very first Rock Star.
Everybody goes Loony over the Moon.
This is a fun blog about the various bright, melodic, delicious and dark sides of the Moon.

All self-respecting photographers must have photographed the fascinating Moon at one juncture in their portfolio.
Here’s my moon portrait (above image), shot hand-held with my Canon 70-200mm f2.8 L lens.

On 12 September 1962, John F. Kennedy, at a Rice University address, he mentioned “We choose to go to the Moon” – to put a man on the moon before 1970 and bring him back safely to Earth.
History was made when Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11) became the first man to walk (bounce) on the moon on 21 July 1969.
Seven years after Kennedy made that rhetoric dare, Neil Armstrong first stepped on the dusty moon surface, iconically proclaiming, “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”
I’ve never owned a Omega Speedmaster Moon watch, so when Omega and Swatch teamed up to introduce the affordable MoonSwatch (brilliant branding name) version, I got one (above image), thanks to Jeremy H for getting me an early stock.

Keith Moon of the Who is one of the most important drummers in the music world.
My favourite fun and rare Keith Moon mod T-shirt (above image).
The enlightening Tony Fletcher book “Dear Boy: The Life Of Keith Moon” was a gift from the Chairman of my former management consulting firm headquartered in the U.K. Thanks, Jon M.
Jon told me he once dated Keith Moon’s girlfriend back in the day.

Besides photographing the celestial Moon, the OG Rock Star (above image), the very first human Rock Star I photographed was Kenny Loggins.

My “All Access” concert pass for Kenny Loggin’s High Adventure album concert tour (above image).
It was at this first concert, more than 40 years ago, as a college kid, that my rock photography journey started.
Fueled by my twin-turbo passion for music and photography.

Pink Floyd’s best-selling magnum opus “The Dark Side Of The Moon” (above image).
Left CD – my rare “Mobile Fidelity Original Master Recording”. Right CD – my 50th Anniversary remastered CD.
Released on 1 March 1973, the album hovered in the international music charts for decades.
In the song, “Brain Damage”, lies the best poignant line ever in the album “There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.”
In case, one doesn’t realise – “There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.”

Coldplay’s “Moon Music” album (above image).

My Daruma and Lucky Cat Astronauts (above image).
Say High to Major Tom–san!

My personalised Moon Cake (above image).
Chinese love to celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival by buying, gifting and eating Moon Cakes.
Thanks to Jeffrey K for designing, gifting me the mold and getting your Mom to make the inaugural batch of moon cakes. Kimberly C for making the subsequent batch.

Hirono’s “Voyage” toy figure with elaborate Moon base (above image). Read more about this in my “Aspiration” blog.
I tell people if you ever wondered what Life was like millions of years ago; before the pharaohs, before the dinosaurs – just Look Up!
I will end this Blog by quoting my favourite poignant lyrics and outro from Lobo’s song, “Armstrong” >
“River’s getting dirty
The wind is getting bad
War and hate are killing off
The only earth we have
But the whole world stopped to watch it
On that July afternoon
Watched a man named Armstong
Walk upon the moon
And I wonder if a long time ago
Somewhere in the universe
They watched a man named Adam
Walk upon the earth.”