Once I was shooting (photography pun) the breeze with the late 94 year-old (then) Singapore icon and national treasure, Elizabeth Choy, in the porch of her home, when she suddenly asked me, “What’s the greatest lesson you taught your children?”
I immediately replied, “Respect Your Elders”. Elizabeth seemed pleased with my spontaneous answer.

National treasure, revered war heroine, respected teacher Elizabeth Choy sitting for my Reflections Portfolio Series, in my car, in my home driveway (above image).
This is a tribute blog about my respect for my legendary Trailblazers in the Rock Photography and Arts arenas especially those have dispensed blood, sweat, toil and tears along their long, exhilarating Artistic Journeys.
Portfolios, not snapshots.
In these instant gratification daze of Instagram and Tik Tok moments, Fame is gauged only by a brief moment (seconds, minutes, days, weeks or months).
These days, everyone will be world famous for 15 seconds. A Warholian 15 minutes is now akin to a life-time.
Merely Snapshots, not Portfolios.
I prefer to hang out with those who have paid their dues over vast and long journeys across their Wilderness.
Whilst I appreciate the gungho-ness of my younger fresh-faced friends especially for their technological prowess, I especially savour the moments I fellowship with Wise Lions with rich treasure chests (portfolios) of accomplishments and insights under their belts (paunches).

Over the years, I have had the honour and pleasure to have hung out and chatted with my Rock Photography Heroes (above image), some of whom are my Colleagues at the legendary Morrison Hotel Gallery.
As a young wide-eyed photography enthusiast, I’ve often admired their amazing, inspiring portfolios based out in far-flung Singapore (Asia), not exactly the epicentres of rock and roll like New York, Los Angeles and London.
Their iconic rock images would often grace the pages of Rolling Stone, Creem, New Musical Express, Mojo, Melody Maker, Jackie etc. music magazines.
From the above image, a snapshot (highlights) of my Rock Photographer Heroes (above image) – Mick Rock, David LaChapelle, Barry Feinstein, Annie Leibovitz, Jim Marshall, Ross Halfin, Bob Gruen, Rowland Sherman and Danny Clinch.
Google them for their amazing body of photographic works. They are still peering curiously into their camera lens and pressing the camera shutter to this day.
These A-List Camera Handlers (Blondie Chris Stein’s quote for me) will probably die with cameras in their right wrists. As with mine too.

I pay tributes to my Music and Movie Heroes who have endured and enjoyed longevity in their chosen paths and crafts (above image).
I’ve long been mesmerised by their performances on albums, stage and movie screens. They have presented and sold millions of iconic songs and albums, as well as acted in or made iconic movies to the unsuspecting world over the decades.
From the above image, a snapshot (highlights) of my Music and Movie Heroes Heroes (above image) – Sir Cliff Richard, Dame Olivia Newton-John, America, Gene Simmons (Kiss), Carlos Santana, Brian Wilson (Beach Boys), Yoko Ono, Debbie Harry (Blondie) and Francis Ford Coppola.
To this day, they are still doing what they were gifted to do. They did not have any Plan Bs.
Francis Coppola just released his long-awaited “Megapolis” movie and Blondie will release their new album next year.

Blondie during the recording of their best-selling “Panic Of Girls” album in Woodstock, upstate New York. Their anthology album boxset is aptly titled “Against All Odds”.
To my Trailblazing Heroes who have scorched a bright path before me – With My Humblest Respect, I Bow To You All!