To me, there are three stages to a well-lived Creative Life. Aspire > Perspire > Inspire.
In fact, to refine the three stages further, it’s simply
1) to TAKE in
2) to GIVE away.
I quote the great Winston Churchill – “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
This is a 3-part Blog series – starting with Aspire!
This Blog Series is dedicated to the Dreamers with Aspirations in their Souls, Fires in their Bellies, and Pixie Dust in their Pockets.
We all must have Dreams and Hopes, that’s already half the battle won.

I want to share a pix of a a cool toy figure acquired recently that personified innocent “ASPIRATION” (above image). And which Underachiever has earned enough gravitas to tell the child that his dream will not come true?
The Hirono Voyager toy figure spoke to me even though I didn’t know who the toy designer was.
A make-shift rocket crudely but lovingly assembled with corrugated cardboard and duct tape – with the aspirant astronaut inside. A beautifully detailed sculpted world-class Work of Art!
I have a knowing hunch that one day the optimist/protagonist/astronaut will eventually soar and fulfill whatever he sets out to accomplish.
Evident from those big, curious and determined eyes. Oh yes, and that subtle small “talk-is-cheap” mouth.
When we set our Hearts to do something, we will Achieve it.
Do not listen to Naysayers who have not done anything significant in their own lives.
Beware of backseat drivers who do not own driving licenses!

“Lions Never Bother About The Opinions Of Hyenas” – ES (above image).
I loved the figure so much I bought three of them to be displayed in different creative corners in my home.

Last month, at a major toy show, I met and hung out with the toy creator who goes by the single moniker, Lang (above image).

Lang kindly signed the figures to me (above image). The aspirational figures now displayed in creative corners around my home

The next day we hung out again. This time he noticed I had a cool space ship button on my Star Wars-themed Levi’s jacket (above image). I took it out and gave it to him. We exchanged contact details and promised to keep in touch in future.
Dream Big! Dreams do come through!
Go Build Your Corrugated Cardboard Spaceship!