These days of Retyrement, I listen to at least three hours of invigorating music and read inspiring books daily, sometimes concurrently. But then I balance the listening of songs and reading of books with moments of solitude and silence.
My Quiet Time is the most Productive Time of my Day.
My intake of wise counsel far exceeds my advise output to others. I will only give advise if called upon.
The more you know, the more you realise how little you really know.
As the significance of the intelligence of my Brain makes way for the wisdom of my Heart, I find myself appreciating the quiet, wise and healing counsel from the Poetry of Silence.
It is said that God does not shout but whispers.
When your Heart is calm, quiet and anticipating, you’ll hear Him.
When you do, you will know what it is you have to do and the how, why, where and when will follow.
Story of my Life: The significant Achievements of my Life was/is through the Quiet Counsel and Nudgings in my Soul rather than from the (high) hundreds of books I had read.
The poet May Sarton, from her book “Journal of a Solitude”, shared “Loneliness is the poverty of self; Solitude is richness of self.”
Solitude is the right spiritual frequency for profound thoughts and actions. To listen, you need to turn on the Faith switch, only available to a select and appreciative few. The trick is to feel the unseen.
I tell my friends I’m spiritual, not so much religious.
Once I was reading a book on my favourite reading sofa, Amidst my solitude, I heard a “voice” nudging me to give a dying friend $2,000. I was taken aback (not shocked), and I asked whether S$1,000 would do. The answer was No. So I wrote a cheque of $2,000 and headed to the hospital ward where my friend was. The journey from my sofa to my friend’s bed took two hours max. Not exactly a Usain bolt but not hesitant either.
When I entered the ward, there was a pastor in the room with my friend. The pastor was in the midst of praying and he recalled a moment when he desperately needed money, a friend of his gave him $2,000. The hairs on my hands immediately stood on ends. When the pastor finished his prayer, I said, “Hold on, the story doesn’t end there.” I then took out the folded $2,000 cheque from my wallet, unfolded it and handed it to my friend. In my own state of amazement, I did not recall the reactions from my friend and the pastor.
Imagine my eternal shame if I wrote the lesser $1,000 amount on my cheque?
I sincerely believe that the gesture was more a Test on me than a gift for my friend. They say if you obey by carrying out the smaller stuff, there will be more interesting stuff entrusted your way.
When I encourage my kids to bless five people a day, especially those who cannot pay you back, I speak from experience. The above anecdote is just one of many “interesting” blessed moments in my Life journey.

David Bowie (advocator of poetic silence) amidst my Daruma collection (above image).
Daruma dolls are Japanese symbols of perseverance and good luck. You get to paint black dots in the blank whites of the Daruma’s eyeballs whenever your specific mission has been achieved.

A David Bowie Sotheby’s auction display card (above image), this time shouting with joy!
Just an observation: God had only called/calls upon the inadequate, the old, the average, the unconvinced, the cruel, to do His Biblical bidding. He looks at the purity of one’s Heart, the alertness of one’s ears – not one’s bulging muscles, one’s financial acumen, one’s lofty bank accounts, one’s social status.
Whenever you see someone who did or say something haughty, rude, cruel or stupid – do take a non-judgemental moment to think what bad situation (there will be one) that caused this individual to do what he/she did.
Do not judge if you do not know.
May you embark on your amazing journey by starting to Hear with your Heart!