Aloha! I’ve always been fascinated by the Surfing Culture. Not necessarily a surfer, I’m nevertheless fascinated with the concept of the Surfer gliding skillfully over Big Kahuna waves, effortlessly. Sometimes not so effortlessly. He/she wages his/her health and life against the giant wave on a waxed surf board.
I like to apply this concept of the skillful maneuvering of the Surfer through the rough waters of investment and financial adventures. Ably avoiding the pitfalls of bad investment instruments (read: toxic assets).
I’m a proud owner of the used 2016 SURFS UP license plate (pix below) and featuring some of my fond signed(!) Beach Boys memorabilia – mini surf boards, concert program, concert passes (laminated and satin) and their 50th Anniversary Live CD.
This Blog is also my Tribute to the Beach Boys. Two Boards with One Stone! (Saw what I did there?)
My personal favourite Beach Boys songs are Don’t Worry Baby, Good Vibrations, God Only Knows, Heroes And Villains, California Girls, In My Room, Wouldn’t It Be Nice, Do It Again, Surfing USA, Surfing Safari, Please Let Me Wonder, Caroline No, Getcha Back, Barbara Ann and Kokomo.
The Beach Boys performed in Singapore in 22 August 2012 as part of their multi-year-long 50th Anniversary global tour circuit. At the end of their world concert, they released a double live album the following year in 2013.
I’m mighty proud that all the images used in the CD cover and artwork came solely from their Singapore concert! I like to think I put Singapore in the surfing and rock and roll maps!
When the Beach Boys hit town, I was fortunate to hang out with my Surf Heroes, the highlight was meeting the iconic genius Brian Wilson (below).
I’ve also had the honour of hanging out Mike Love (above image), Brian’s creative cousin. He was also responsible for writing many of Beach Boys’ iconic hits.
The Five Principals. This image is featured the the Live CD.
Standing on the drum riser, I was literally 3 feet from Bruce Johnston. This pix (above) adorns the back cover of the CD album booklet.
The three mini surf boards (above pix) were signed by all five members of Beach Boys. In fact, the image of Brian actually signing the mini boards backstage is featured the the band’s 50th Anniversary Live double CD. All the B/W images in the CD cover album artwork is shot by yours truly. Including the flight cases in the back cover.
Mike Love.
Al Jardine.
Bruce Johnston shows off his signature “youthful” jump. He does this for every concert. He’s mighty glad I captured it for posterity’s sake.
David Marks
For decades, I’ve been a collector of cars/hot rods with surf boards on them (pix below). Also check out the solar-powered hula girls.
Unfortunately, shortly after this tour, the band disbanded into Brian’s and Mike’s band camps. I count myself fortunate to have photographed the band with Brian and Mike in the second ultimate Beach Boys band configuration. The first ultimate configuration must be the band featuring the late Wilson brothers Carl (on guitar, bass, keyboards and vocals) and Dennis (on drums).
Besides collecting mini surf boards, cars with surf boards on them, I collect used car license plates with interesting cool descriptions. The above pix depicts my three favourite B bands. Unfortunately Brian Wilson (Beach Boys), like Barry Gibb (Bee Gees) , being the eldest of their respective creative brothers, are both now the last brother standing.
In all that you do, I wish you – Surf’s Up!