In 2002, I “retyred” from the corporate highway, took the off-ramp into the byways in pursuit of My One Thing. Retire, as a verb, sounds … tired.
I prefer to use the word Re-tyre as in putting on new fresh tyres for the exhilarating Journey that lies ahead of you. There will you craft your real Legacy, along the unpaved trail. The Road Not Travelled. I was merely exploring the Outer Frontiers of my Inner Calling – my Rock Photography.
9/11 happened and the birth of my daughter was what nudged me to do what I had to do. I knew within me that my time to show the world my Craft had arrived.
When planes start to land into buildings instead of runways, I realise that Life was suddenly too short to delay crossing the Crossroad.
The silken corporate ties (pun) were starting to tighten like a noose around my neck.
In 2017, I was interviewed on the topic of Retyrement in this article – http://indiependentmusic.net/interview-retyred-byways-eddie-sung-tallahassee-fine-art-intentionally-getting-lost/
TV interviews in two stages of my Life – as a corporate Head Honcho and as a Rock Photographer. Nice to be appreciated for my $0.02 worth.