This is a Blog about Having Fun and Those who know how to Have Serious Fun.
I always gravitate towards Friends with Alter Egos. They have a more than one-dimensional take on Life. What they pursue is more than a Hobby. They put skin into their game, they usually might fork out serious money (thousands of dollars) for their hobbies. And when they show up at some events in their costumed alter-ego selves, there’s always an element of charity involved in what they do. Kudos, guys!

Elvis Impersonators – all young at heart (above image). To get into their tight-fitting costumes, they will seek the help from their comrades to get into their costumes.

Elvis Impersonators – I recently met two buddies – hard-core Elvis alter-ego fans – Jega (above image) and Jeffhery (below image). I’m honoured to be invited into their homes to take their portraits.

Motorcycle Gang Members / Concert Security – You might see these burly expatriates providing concert security at major concerts. They have interesting day-time jobs – logistics director, bank manager, restaurant manager, IT consultant etc. They are members of locally registered motorcycle clubs (motorbike of choice: Harley Davidson).
At concerts, I have the privilege of leaving my heavy camera bag in front of the stage, behind the security guards as I’m their friend. I know it’s safe in their care.
They gamely allowed my son to pose them at a bar. Check out my son’s Chopper T-shirt (above image).

Star Wars 501st Garrison of Singapore – My cosmic buddies are of the “bad guys doing good” mantra. I was requested by them to do a photo shoot at the beach. Hansen K, the trooper in red, got me inducted into Legion as a official “Friend of the Legion”.
To get into their tight-fitting and elaborate Star War Clone Trooper costumes, they will seek the help fellow trooper comrades to get into their costumes. They also need the help of minders, to navigate as their head costumes may obscure their visions.

This is the end result of the fun photo shoot – a local replication of the Star Wars Rogue One movie poster (above image).

My Alter Ego as a Rock Photographer – armed with my Trilby (no Fedora for me) and Camera (no whip for me), I explore the underbelly of rock and roll (read: backstage green room), and have Fun. And capture the awesome moments. Me with the mega-talented Kitaro, comparing cameras backstage (above image).

Like my intergalactic friends who are “focusing on the task at hand”, we should always take the piss out of Life (above image).
Don’t take Life too seriously. I assure you It’s not taking you seriously.
One More Thing – you remember that popular world-wide campaign to “Save Gaia”? We should be focused on saving ourselves first, Gaia (Earth in Greek) will still be around after we humans are long gone.