It’s almost one year on since Dame Olivia Newton-John returned to her Xanadu. Suddenly the Magic was gone.
I always had fun emails with her, especially during the Covid downtime when we were mostly stuck at our homes. Remember those isolated times?

I want to share one of my favourite Greased Frightning email exchange with Dame ONJ on 9 March 2020 at the start of the pandemic. There was this witty Breaking News announcement (fake news) circulating around that time about her Grease co-star, her dear friend, John Travolta (above image).
Remember when it was a big news every time a celebrity caught the Covid-19 virus, especially when an effective vaccine was not yet discovered.

I figured she hasn’t seen it yet, so I thought she will be taken aback at the first second of reading it and then followed by amusement. I was right (above image). I liked teasing her.
ONJ was fun personified!
Onj Year On, her loss is still felt!