He Maximised His Time Here

He Maximised His Time Here

This is Blog on Living Life to the Fullest.

“He Maximised His Time Here”. What an eloquent way to summarise the life of legendary, much respected record producer Richard Perry, by his friend Daphna Kastner.

Richard Perry died suddenly of a cardiac arrest on Christmas Eve (24 December 2024) at 82 years old. Perry had done it all. As a portrait photographer, his ever-present cheeky grin is a clear testimony to his well-spent, enjoyable Life.

Richard Perry was the producer of countless iconic superstars – John Lennon. Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Barbra Streisand, Carly Simon, Rod Stewart, Harry Nilsson, Diana Ross, Manhattan Transfer, Leo Sayer and the list goes on and on. He could be having dinner one night with Paul and Linda McCartney and Mick and Bianca Jagger another night. He dated Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda amongst many others. Do google Richard Perry for his long list of music achievements.

Richard Perry persuaded Carly Simon that her folk song “Ballad Of The Vain Man” would benefit from a catchy beat and punchier title. The conversion of the folk song to a top-charter took roughly a 100 takes. And the rest is top of the charts history.

Life is, indeed, short, people! Go do that thing(s) you always wanted to do. Start with the small, simple things Give your loved ones a Hug and tell them you love them! It will benefit YOU more than them. And stop beating yourself to death in the hope that it will kill your enemy.

“He Maximised His Time Here” is also how I want to be remembered.

In 2002, I retyred from the corporate life, the inner creative calling was too great a pull. I want to die satisfied in having accomplished My Purpose, My Calling. In life, it’s always better to be pulled (by your destiny), than being pushed (by others).

Just last night, I was chatting with my son about Life and the earned blessings that Life accords to those who deserve it. I told him that he was doing the right things and that I’m proud of him. Till today, I still have “fun and laughter” teasing chats with my daughter before she counts sheep. I jest that, those fun chats (and hugs) alone should save them tons of therapy time and expensive fees.

In 2020, I published my fourth book “ACCESS: Into The Wilderness Of Rock And Roll”. It was published during the tail-end of the dreaded Covid years. In it, I included the sentence – “At a time when the world was in lockdown mode, I chose not to be unproductive.”

I guess my Life can be summarised by a simple “I chose not to be unproductive.” Upon compiling the list of my photography subjects (with the help of my wife) for my book, the list of rock photo sessions brought forth a deep, soulful satisfaction and fond memories embedded deep within my consciousness, like it happened yesterday.

With this Websight and my Blog insights, I hope I can share my positivity, encouragement and backstories of my love and passion for music, photography and Life with you readers.

I have been listening to much of the recent releases of David Gilmour albums (solo and live). Gilmour, from the iconic band, Pink Floyd, stoically chose to continue with the band when it was disbanded. Through thick and thin, Gilmour kept the band name alive and swell. These days he is still releasing great albums (solo and live), some with his wife and children. David Gilmour is, indeed, maximising his splendid Life!

On the back cover of my ACCESS book is a reflective spot-UV alphabetised summary (above image) of most of the rock stars and rock bands I had the privilege to photograph in my rock photography journey – from top-left Aerosmith to bottom-right Rob Zombie. Unfortunately due to the size of the book. a few iconic rock names had to be omitted.

I was having tea with a known journalist recently when I quipped that almost (99%) all the rock stars and bands I had the privilege to photograph happened AFTER I retyred (at 44 years young), to spend more fun time in rock photography. When you dare to take that leap of faith, a path will be laid out for you that was not there in the first place. And friends and well-wishers will rally around you in helping you achieve your destiny.

My official mission statement being “Exploring the Outer Frontiers of my Inner Calling”.

As a self-taught photographer, I was fortunate to have discovered my “one shot, one kill” style of “stage portrait” photography.

My ultimate personal satisfaction is always about emptying my wellspring of my creativity within me, there’s more where that came from, never comparing where I stand to other photographers (local or international).

I know confidently my worth and what I am capable of bringing to the global table. I am forever grateful to being the first Asian to be inducted into the legendary rock and roll fine-art Morrison Hotel Gallery. My childhood hero rock photographers are represented there – Barry Feinstein, Bob Gruen, Mick Rock, Joel Bernstein, Henry Diltz and others.

As a Mentor to aspiring photographers, I encourage them to show the unsuspecting world what THEY got within themselves – with pride. Keep pursuing their Big Dream. One day, with tenacity, they will Overtake that dream. Not just fulfill it. There’s other summits to conquer after your first Summit. Go achieve Your Dream, never listen others, they are not You. Ignore the backseat drivers who do not have driving licenses. Lions ignore the opinions of hyenas. Go Run that Race, Your Race. Go put on to those running shoes, grab those tennis rockets, skate decks, or paint brushes, or cameras, write that book you always wanted to write.

When I “retyred” from corporate life, I put on new “tyres” for the exhilarating new journey ahead. “Retired” sounds tired.

As with my “Inspire” blog (last of my three-part blog trilogyAspire>Perspire>Inspire), I have reached my summit, I’m now playing Mentor/Coach to help aspiring younger ones reach their Summits whether in photography, investments, and Life in general. They have the whole world in front of them.

I have often said that “At the end of the Game, all the Pieces go back in the Box.

The harsh flip-side of “He Maximised His Time Here” is “He Died Forgotten Here”. When Alfred Nobel read his wrongly published obituary, he was shocked and disappointed to learn that he was only remembered for his invention of the dynamite. He went on to found the highly respected annual Nobel Peace Prize which goes on till today.

As we reach our final Concert Tour, may we be able to exclaim – “We Maximised Our Time Here!”.