I Love Books! A Book is an Instant Vacation!
Every time you open a book, you embark on an unforgettable and delightful Journey!
I’m a voracious reader of Books and E-Books. I read about five books a month and perhaps about 30 e-magazines a month.
For good books, I will invest in the hard cover version and when I read it for the first time, I will highlight meaningful passages. So the next time I re-visit the book, I’ll only read the highlighted bits.
The books that I devour are usually in the Music, Arts, Photography, Business, Finance, Autobiographies, Self-Improvement and Entertainment genres. Fiction, not so much.
I did recently thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself into Evie Woods’ “The Lost Bookshop”; both the book and audiobook versions. I love old quaint bookshops.
I especially love Audiobooks that are read by the Author him/herself.
Sometimes for great books that make a difference in readers’ lives, I will buy more copies to give away to appreciating friends.
I’m forever grateful to be named in my buddies’ autobiographies, memoirs and photography books, especially Dame Olivia Newton-John, Chris Stein (Blondie) and May Pang etc. More on this below.

My wise BOOKS and COMICS weathered US car license plates (above image). If only these plates could talk, I bet they’ll have a few juicy journey-tales to tell; and wisdom to impart. “Live Free Or Die” indeed!

Always great when some impactful books – “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and “The Purpose-Driven Life” are signed by the authors! Thanks, Rick Warren and Robert Kiyosaki!

There’s nothing as exhilarating for an Ardent Book Lover than to have his/her own books published (above image).
You read, therefore you write.
My Rock Photography Books chronicles my interesting journey into Art and Music – “Eclectic Sanctum”, “Monochrome Manifestos: Rock Stars, Hawaii and Other Heavenly Encounters”, “Sonic Solitude: Wondrous Tales From The Amplified World” and “ACCESS: Into The Wilderness Of Rock & Roll”.
Putting some ink to the canvas, putting some skin to the game.

A Highlight of my Life – receiving my Matey’s (ONJ’s own words) Dame Olivia Newton-John’s awesome signed autobiography in the mail (above image). “Surprise!” indeed.

Even more awesome, my name is featured in her book, as personally (lovingly with a Heart) highlighted by Dame Olivia – “CHECK OUT! PG. 327″.

Another kind signed book from Dame Olivia received in the mail (above image).

Great to be named in Dame Olivia’s hardcover Charity Auction Catalogue (above image).

My signed ACCESS book to Dame Olivia with fun descriptions to ONJ and her gracious Reply to me (above image).
I appreciate that my messages to her are always replied the following morning (Singapore time).

Honoured to have my image of Chris Stein at the Last Days of CBGB featured in his long-awaited Memoir, “Under A Rock” (above image).
I know Chris likes my image, he featured it as the first of many images in his memoir. Thanks, Chris!

Awesome to be named in a John Lennon book by my buddy May Pang (above image). A talented photographer she photographed a treasure cove of poignant pictures of an unguarded and jubilant John Lennon. I named May in my ACCESS book too.

Awesome to be on the same page with May Pang’s other rock legend pals including four Beatles! (above image).

A Nice Recent Signed Gift in the mail from Lucy O’Brien – “Lead Sister: The Story Of Karen Carpenter” (above image).
Side Note: Karen Carpenter is a buddy of Olivia Newton-John’s. How apt that I have books of the superstars signed by the authors.

I want to thank Dr. Wendy Fonarow, an awesome author herself, for orchestrating the signed book’s long journey from London to Singapore (above image).

Do check out Dr. Wendy Fonarow’s brilliant rock book “Empire Of Dirt: The Aesthetics and Rituals of British Indie Music” (above image).

I always treasure meeting fellow Authors and our exchange of each other’s books (above image). My Art for their Art.

The printing of my fourth book “ACCESS: Into the Wilderness Of Rock And Roll” (above image).
My ACCESS book celebrates the 40th Anniversary (1980-2020) of my exhilarating Rock Photography Journey.

Always great to see my books (ACCESS and Sonic Solitude) being a part of a good friend’s rock library (above image). Rock On, Jeremy G!
May You Find Delightful and Lasting Companionships in Books!
Go Read An Uplifting Book Today!