This is a fun light-hearted blog tribute to the unlikely Goofy Superheroes (oxymoron) amongst us. There is a Superhero within us who will undoubtedly, at the required time, rise up to the occasion.
Years ago, I recall a distraught mother successfully lifting a car to save her child pinned under it.
Whenever I do my travels, I will look out Goofy Superhero figurines in quaint toy shops. There is no hesitation in buying these cute weekend warriors.
I sense in these goofy, paunchy, aged superheroes, they want to make the world a happier, fun and promising place, starting with those around them (family and good friends).
Seeing these figures scattered around my home, always bring a smile to my face. I’m reminded that in the Bible, God only calls upon the downtrodden, the disabled, the petite, the conflicted, the self-doubters, the aged, the broken, and the non-believers etc. to do His bidding. Maybe some of them are also chubby and goofy.

My Goofy Chubby Superheroes (above image). They look like they have high cholesterol, bad eye-sight, plaque build-up, uric acid, indigestion, vertigo, weak knees, dandruff, acid reflux, varicose veins, and various cardiac issues. But they still persist in being Superheroes to their loved ones.

My Senior Citizen Satoshi Collection (above image). In the back, “Satoshi Yamamoto” holding a spear and knife, ready to do battles with injustices, is designed by Yukinori Dehara, one of my favourite Japanese toy figure designers. I like that the unlikely hero “Satoshi Yamamoto” has a comb-over hairdo. His everyday buddies in the pix are bald. But I bet they are having fun and doing the best they can for themselves and for others around them.
I like the bald dude in his bathroom attire figure. That’s his rocker alter ego in leather biker jacket and wig. Keep rocking, buddy!
Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously! Fun attracts many friends! And as I said before – Laughter does not cause cancer!

Earlier this year, I made “I’M SUPER SPECIAL / I’M A SUPERHERO” rainbow flight tags for spectrum kids (above image). I wanted to leave cheerful mementos, reminding them they are my personal Superheroes, as well as their parent’s, family’s, teachers’ and caregivers’ Superheroes. For more on this spectrum buddies topic, do read my “Innocence “blog .
God knows we need more Unlikely Goofy, Optimistic, Empathic Superheroes (Balding, Chubby, Self-Doubting, Everyday Man/Woman) in these interesting times! Let’s all rise up to the occasion!
Thank You Belly Much!