My tribute to my legendary friend, Eleanor Coppola who left us yesterday (12 April 2024) at 87 years young, for the Blessed Movie Studio above us.

Honoured to have met Eleanor in 2004 (above image).
Eleanor’s the ultimate unsung heroine. With her love and support, Francis went about fulfilling his movie dreams. Hat’s off to Eleanor.
But I knew of and was impressed with her legendary achievements.
I have a delightful Eleanor Coppola anecdote to share.
Once I was briefly in the USA in the 2000s when a Japanese friend invited me to San Francisco. He enticed me on the trip with tickets to a Fleetwood Mac concert at Cow Palace.
But the cherry on the SF trip was a rarified trip to the Niebaum-Coppola vineyard. Obviously I bought a few souvenirs and whilst waiting to pay at the cashier, I was lucky to have bought two bottles of the vineyard’s exquisite flagship wine – Rubicon. I noticed a pile of “Notes” books (individually signed) by Eleanor. I bought one.

I kept the wine list from my enchanted vineyard visit (above image). I’ve often wondered if the beautiful handwriting belonged to Francis or Eleanor Coppola.

Backside of wine list (above image).
Years later, I met Eleanor at a invite-only talk. I told her about my visit to her vineyard and got her to sign my name on her book this time. She did. She must be glad to be recognised as the event was a Francis Coppola gig: plus the fact I bought her awesome book.
We chatted and she suddenly summoned her husband who was holding court with a bunch of journalists nearby. He immediately came over and she told him this young man visited their vineyard. I don’t think the journalists were happy at the sudden departure of Francis from their midst. The pix of Eleanor was probably taken by Francis.

Got Eleanor to complete the book enscriptions by including my name and year of meeting (2004) this great soul (above image). I remember the year because she wrote it down.

The cover of Eleanor’s awesome book “Notes” (above image), a detailed chronology on the escapades during the making of “Apocalypse Now” magnum opus movie. I mentioned before in my previous “Apocalypse Now” blog that it’s my all-time favourite movie.

Me with Eleanor’s husband, one Francis Ford Coppola (above image). This blog tribute is about Her, not him. Eleanor probably took this pix.
R.I.P. Eleanor Coppola, so so so honoured to have hung out with you!