This is a Blog about Appreciating the Simple Things (Sounds) in Life.
After I collect my Access All Access (AAA) concert pass at a Rock Show, I usually go look for a quiet spot in the concert venue. I lay down my heavily-weathered camera bag and proceed to take out my trusty Canon camera and bright wide-angle L lens.
I love the robust sound when I attach the camera to the lens.
What an assuring sound!
That subconsciously signals to my mind – “It’s Showime! Let’s see what Awesome brings!”
I then go about exploring the exciting surroundings – stage, backstage, venue floor, sometimes even the singer or band’s dressing rooms (with permission). This can only happen if a key personnel in the band crew introduces you to everyone involved in the show production. Thanks, Mark N for the concert invite and introduction!
Now given photo carte blanche, I slowly happily explore and take interesting, discrete pictures where possible. Nothing that will invade people’s privacy.
My photo mantra – The less you shoot, the more you’re allowed to shoot.
I always shoot for myself, not being a hired hand. But I always give some concert highlights images to the concert organiser, band members, management and crew.

Beach Boys’ All Access concert pass and the 50th Anniversary Live double CD set (above image).
I remember fondly during a Beach Boys concert, I went early to soak in the sights and sounds in the preparation of a big show set-up.
I was hanging out with my buddy the sound man and a band member when I saw a beautiful cluster of flightcases next to the stage. I took a quick well-framed shot.
Fast forward to the day when the fresh-off-the-press official CDs arrived at my home, courtesy of the band. I was elated to see that my spontaneous flightcases image made the back cover of the double CD live album (above image).
You’ll never really know what interesting gifts Life bestows to you.
My advice to young photographers – Be kind to everyone, be very kind.
Never underestimate the power of Reciprocity!
This advice applies to everyone, doesn’t it? Not just to photographers.
I always say – Kindness begets Kindness.

My image of the band taking their bow on stage made the cover (above image). My images of the individual band members are also featured in the CD booklet. Thanks so much, Guys!
Everyone has personal Happy Rituals.
My Happy Ritual is hearing the assuring Clicking (“It’s Showtime!”) sound of my trusty Camera to the bright Lens before a Rock Show.
Fun Fun Fun!