Greetings! Welcome to my Websight!
ACCESS : Into The Wilderness Of Rock And Roll
(to borrow the title of my latest rock photography book)
I wish to share my Fun Journey in Rock Photography – the Wondrous Sights I witnessed and the Talented Friends I had the honour of meeting, and my latest Musings (Blogs) – with you, dear Visitor.
This Websight is dedicated to my late Parents, to my Family (my greatest achievement) and to the astronomically talented Photo Subjects (rock icons and legendary rock bands) that have allowed me to photograph them through the years! I’m forever honoured and grateful!

As I tell my friends in the music and photography arenas, I do not bark at every passing car. I only shoot where I’m welcome and the Rock Legends that I look up to. Quality not quantity. Less is more.
I hope you find my Websight positive, fun and inspiring. In putting on my former management consultant‘s hat, I noticed there are 4 recurring Themes in why I chose to explore the amazing Path of Rock Photography – Fotography, Fun, Friendship and Focus. Or … did the Path choose me?
Do drop by occasionally to read my Blogs and see my New Stuff.
2020 was my 40th year of photographing Rock Stars and Rock Bands.
My Rock Photography is a HOBBY, certainly not a bills-paying career. I’m self-trained, depending only on my instinctive Eye and right index shutter Finger. I’ve covered most genres of music – classic rock, pop, blues, punk, heavy metal, reggae, jazz, disco, new age, easy listening and electronic music etc. etc.
My first ever shot of a rock star was of Kenny Loggins (1982) in the US when I shot for fun, as a college kid. Four decades later, I’m still shooting for the soul fun of it.
I’m deeply honoured to be the first Asian rock photographer to be represented by the legendary Morrison Hotel Gallery.
My images are featured in Rock Stars and Rock Bands’ Album (Vinyls, CDs and DVDs) Covers and Sleeve Artworks, their official Websites, on walls of Hard Rock Cafes, in major international and local Magazines and Newspapers.
I’ve since published four limited-edition well-regarded rock photography books – “ACCESS : Into The Wilderness Of Rock And Roll” (2020), “Sonic Solitude : Wondrous Tales From The Amplified World” (2008), “Monochrome Manifestos : Rock Stars, Hawaii and other Heavenly Encounters” (2004) and “Eclectic Sanctum” (1999).
I’m honoured to have had my Solo Rock Photography Exhibitions in (“A View From Asia”, 2014) New York City and (“Rock Dreams”, 2012) Singapore.
I deeply love music and photography. At the age of 12, I bought my first vinyl single – Neil Diamond’s Crackling Rosie. My first vinyl album is Paul McCartney’s Ram album. I used to toy around with my Dad’s Yashica camera.
I love Rock Photography which encompasses more than just concert photography. It’s also about hanging out backstage with new-found talented friends and their road crews. It’s about the rock stars visiting my home and me visiting their overseas homes. It’s about me enjoying local spicy meals with them and showing them the local sights and sounds. Check out my Back Stage, On Stage and Left The Building photo galleries.
Do read my Blogs occasionally, it is a chance for me share some fun moments and for me to thank and pay tributes to Rock Stars for blessing me with their company. Do check out my Earthscapes gallery for my non-Rock and less noisy stuff.
I’ve been blessed to have made countless Friends in the music industry. Some of whom have included my images of them in their album artworks, official websites. I thank them for allowing me Access into their inner sanctum.
Thanks, Maestros, for trusting me with my camera backstage. I will NEVER take any negative images of you.
Do let me know when your amazing Travelling Show comes to town, let’s hang and enjoy a local spicy meal together.
Focus is an important attitude to me. While there always interesting scenes to be savoured – both on and back stage, not all situations need to have the camera shutter pressed. Discretion and Integrity and Trust are crucial. The less I shoot, the more I get to shoot, if you know what I mean.
Although I’m using digital (more precisely, mirrorless) cameras these days, I still shoot economically as if I’m shooting with a film camera (Nikon F3 with Tri-X 400 film). I’m known for my “one shot, one kill” style. No Burst (spray and pray) mode for me.
Focus is also about paying close attention to one’s priorities and choices in Life – friends, career, spouse, or investments etc. In the first stage of my Life, I was a head honcho for an established international management consulting firm. The year (2002) after the 9/11 attacks and the birth of daughter, I decided to “retyre” – taking the off-ramp from the corporate highway (rat race) to explore the Outer Frontiers of my Inner Calling – Rock Photography. The silken corporate ties was starting to tighten around my neck like a noose. Retyre is about putting new fresh tyres for the new and exhilarating journey ahead of us. I dislike using the word “retire”, it connotates being tired.
The results were swift – in 2006, my B/W images swept the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes of the Non-Professional Music category of the Lucie Awards, the Oscars of photography. I knew I had correctly chosen the right creative off-ramp and merrily explored further down the Wondrous Road of Rock and Roll.
2020 marked the 40th Anniversary of my Rock Photography. It is as exhilarating as the first time I photographed my first rock star (Kenny Loggins) in 1982 with a Nikon F3 using Kodak Tri-X 400 film.
I hope you find my Websight positive, fun and inspiring. Do drop by occasionally to read my Blogs and see my New Stuff.
“Life is a Journey, may your Mind be alert, your Camera ready!”
Rock on,
Eddie Sung
Sunny Singapore.