This is not a Blog about Post-Apocalyptic Heavy Death Metal Music.
I have always been fascinated visually by Menacing Heavy Metallic Structures – the original Heavy Metal.
Enjoy my Homage to Heavy Metal, the following images (below) were patiently captured over the decadent decades.

Physical Graffiti 1 (above).

Physical Graffiti 2 (above).

Crushed Sugar-Rush Cans 1 (above).

Crushed Sugar-Rush Cans 2 (above).

Chunky Escalator Parts (above).

Underbelly of Stadium Seating Structure Scaffolding (above).

The Labyrinth (above).

The Future (above).

Close Encounters of the Amplified Kind (above).

The Sonic Command Centre of an Iconic Band (above).

The Stage Sound and Lights Ensemble (above).
Pop quiz: Which is more important in a concert, the sound system or the light system?
You don’t leave the concert whistling the light system, do you?
Thanks for your wisdom, Mr. Mark Newman.

The Load-Out (above).

The Light Acrobat (above).

Lang Lang, moments before the lift-up to stage above. (above).

Stefanie Sun, moments before the lift-up to stage above. (above). Stef is a beloved national treasure.

Beach Boys Flight Cases (above).
This image is featured in the back cover of their 50th Anniversary Tour Live double CD.

New York Underground Station (above).

Back Of Stage Structure (above).

Expansive Concert (above).

Rumblings Within A Colossal Metal Dome (above).

The Back Light Set-Up for Iconic Band (above).

Sleeping Grand Pianos, hibernating for the next night’s symphonic concert performance (above).

Mike Mangini’s (Dream Theater) Drum Fortress (above).

Joey Jordison’s Drum Arsenal. R.I.P. Dear Friend!

Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Stage Confetti Blower (above). Note the awesome Y shaped confettis.
Nice touch, YYYs!

Ironsmith Shop (above).

Patient Seats, anticipating their rightful ticket holders (above).

Singapore Flight Cases (above).

Keys To The Kingdom (above).

Lightsabers (above).

Five Microphones / Vocal Lightsabers of a Famous Quintet (above).

The Stage Set-Up for a Fine-Dine Concert (above).

David Coverdale’s Rings (above).

A Muggy Last Day of HMV in Singapore (above). I got my Heavy Metal CDs from the store.

Under-used Electric Guitar in the Garden of my Childhood Family Home (above).

Authentic Used 1993 US LZ 4 License Plate – if you know, you know (above).

Flight Case Of You (above).