This is a Blog on Finance and Investments. The World of Finance favours naming financial and economic phenomena after the animal kingdom. Bulls, Bears, Black Swans, Wolves, Ostriches, Chicken, Pigs, Animal Spirits etc – you get the idea.

At the lack of a better investment-related pix on Animal Spirits, here’s my beloved image of the legendary Blondie band members posing with a Llama, in Woodstock (above image). My humble homage to the Beach Boys’ Pet Sound album cover image.
Animal Spirits was coined way back in 1936. In John Maynard Keynes’ book “The General Theory Of Employment, Interest And Money”.
I always liked the cool but crucial term which describes the instincts, proclivities and emotions that seemingly influence human behaviour, which influences consumer confidence.
I’ve always adhered to the Sentiments of the stock market movement, rather than the Fundamentals. Always keeping in mind the fickleness of the buyer/seller sentiments. Do not ever forget that if the stock of a company sucks, the Fundamentals will limit its success anyway.
Animal Spirits is the state of confidence or pessimism held by consumers and businesses. It includes confidence, corruption, money illusion, fairness and stories.
Investment has always been a mind game, the more you read up on finance and investment books/magazines, the more you understand the psyche of investors, take into account the possible manipulative nature of big players, the less losses you’ll make. Yes, easier said than done.
Hastiness is never an Investor’s Superpower.
All The Be$t!
One more thing – Life and Luck favour the Kind!